Last year in May we participated in the NESI Global Forum where we had the chance to face a big challenge that helped us improve our co-creation and facilitation skills while  enjoying a great time in a diverse and inspiring setting, deeply rooted in the values that really move us to action.

What was the challenge?

    • Marina Roa met Diego Moneda, director of the NESI Forum of New Economy and Social Innovation at the #EUideaslab at La Casa Encendida in Madrid.
    • We decided to collaborate together for the next Forum in April 2019 and that collaboration was sponsored by UNITAR and CIFAL.

What was our contribution?

  • We produced a live magazine with the input of more than 1000 participants (graphic facilitation, content, design).
  • Co-creation and facilitation of the track ‘Future of Work’ in English and Spanish

How was the process?

  • We supported the process of co-creation of the design of the event, which involved 6 areas with 3 work sessions each. The idea was to work following the model of 3 horizons representing three dimensions: present, future and steps to be taken (to get to that future).
  • In collaboration with Daniel Truran, General Director at EBBF & ambassador of B Corp, Mira Bangel and a group of content experts facilitated the three co-creation spaces focused on the future of work.
  • In each session, about 100 people gathered at 9 tables and generated questions to explore a more general topic. In each room there was a group of “subject matter experts” and some “correspondents” from the magazine that at the end of the session met with some more participants to collect the ideas and lessons together in a prepared template.
  • At the end of each day, the results were collected and reviewed together with the team responsible for the design and content of the magazine.

The Magazine

  • Marina Roa formed a team with two other collaborators, graphic designers, to facilitate the harvest process.
  • Once all the contents were obtained, they were visualized showing the main concepts through texts and illustrations and with a layout of contents and design.
  • After a very intense work and an excellent collaboration of our team together with participants and organizers of the event, we had an amazing result: The magazine was presented in the auditorium in digital format as the final conclusion of the event.
  • Some final adjustments were needed to integrate the feedback of the participants and to be aligned with the results. From then on, the magazine was shared with the public through social networks.

Download the magazine


For us it was a challenge that involved the input of 1000 people, the collaboration in a team of more than 45 people and a very tight deadline. Thanks to the live launch and the active involvement of so many people, the magazine was shared and celebrated by the entire audience, also by our sponsor UNITAR-CIFAL and our area on the future of work was the most visited. We were also interviewed by the confidential in an article about the event.

Really great things can be done among many people if we organize ourselves well and work towards a common purpose.

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