
Detrás de la mentalidad de SenseTribe

La inteligencia colectiva es más accesible si todos los participantes conocen los principios básicos y los objetivos del proceso. Queremos mostrarte cómo hacemos las cosas para que juntos compartamos este camino.
Descubre más sobre cómo piensa y qué hace nuestra Tribu.

The power of sitting in a circle

The power of sitting in a circle

Last March we had the privilege to facilitate the most beautiful and meaningful workshop to date, in Sarara, ending before the start of the rains in Samburu land (Kenya).Beautiful (as understood by the Greeks), sounds odd and yet, it is the best descriptor of what...

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What is graphic facilitation?

What is graphic facilitation?

Graphic facilitation supports a group through great amounts of complex information. In order to support overwhelm and be able to navigate complexity the creation of illustrations and visual panels are very helpful tools.

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How to Build a Meaningful Communication Strategy

How to Build a Meaningful Communication Strategy

Combining Communications, Creativity and Participatory Processes for Maximum Collaborator and Customer Engagement Have you or your team ever experienced tensions when designing a project? This can happen when you and your partners or colleagues are creating a concept...

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SenseTribe on Lockdown –  Marina

SenseTribe on Lockdown – Marina

Since the end of winter, most everyone on Earth has had to put up with varying degrees of lockdown restrictions in order to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and the Covid-19 disease and "flatten the curve". This has, of course, affected us at SenseTribe as well. In...

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SenseTribe on Lockdown –  Angela

SenseTribe on Lockdown – Angela

Angela found out about Covid-19 while she was still in Southeast Asia and provides a very interesting perspective on two very different approaches to flattening the curve.

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How to communicate on health-related issues: 5 tips

How to communicate on health-related issues: 5 tips

Over the past few weeks, journalists, copywriters and communicators have been challenged to provide clear and trustworthy information related to the coronavirus outbreak (COVID19). But writing about health has been a constant challenge for our communications team at...

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¿Qué es la facilitación gráfica?

¿Qué es la facilitación gráfica?

La facilitación gráfica es una herramienta poderosa para apoyar a un grupo a digerir grandes cantidades de información. Para evitar abrumarse y poder navegar la complejidad, la creación de ilustraciones y paneles visuales son grandes aliados.

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Pasarela de Moda Sostenible por el ODS 12

Pasarela de Moda Sostenible por el ODS 12

  La moda y la sostenibilidad se dieron cita en la terraza del Impact Hub de Piamonte, en un evento organizado en torno al ODS 12 en el que no faltaron cócteles tropicales y música en vivo para dar la bienvenida al verano. Sensetribe ha...

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Estándares globales para el sector del acero

Estándares globales para el sector del acero

ResponsibleSteel es una plataforma que ofrece el primer estandar global de certificación en la industria del acero. Desde SenseTribe Consulting hemos apoyado esta nueva iniciativa implicándonos con todos los miembros de la plataforma.

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