Responsible standards for the global steel sector
What standards and certifications can help to make the global steel sector more responsible? SenseTribe Consulting has been supporting ResponsibleSteel™ during multi-stakeholder meetings in London. Not many certification processes start with an open dialogue between...
Facilitación de un debate entre expertos médicos europeos
El pasado fin de semana realizamos la facilitación, en ZN Consulting, de un importante debate que tuvo lugar en Bruselas entre 10 autoridades médicas y otros representantes de la industria venidos de toda Europa. El tema del debate giraba en torno a cómo las redes...
Farmidable un modelo sostenible de consumo en la industria alimentaria
[foogallery id="3290"] Ha sido un placer apoyar a Farmidable en un evento de fundraising en el Impact Hub Madrid con una facilitación gráfica. Farmidable es un nuevo modelo de distribución de productos locales, de temporada directos del productor al consumidor a...
Farmidable new sustainable model in the food industry
[foogallery id="3290"] We have supported Farmidable in a fundraising event at Impact Hub Madrid with a graphic facilitation. Farmidable is a new model of distribution of local seasonal products, from the producer directly to the consumer, through natural...
Facilitating a dialogue among European medical experts
Last weekend we got to facilitate an important dialogue at ZN Consulting in Brussels with 10 medical experts from across Europe and industry representatives, to explore how social media can support and improve patient communication.
Global standards for the steel sector
ResponsibleSteel™ is the steel industry’s first global multi-stakeholder standard and certification initiative. SenseTribe Consulting is supporting this new initiative in effectively engaging with members & stakeholders.
Colaborando con “S.O.P.A. Madrid” apoyando proyectos sociales
[foogallery id="3242"] ¿Podemos hacer algo en nuestro día a día para financiar iniciativas sociales? SenseTribe ha tenido el placer de colaborar con la segunda edición de S.O.P.A Madrid, un espacio de microfunding que apoya a emprendedores sociales a transformar sus...
Collaboration with “SOPA MADRID” supporting Social Projects
[foogallery id="3242"] Can we do something in our daily lives to finance social initiatives? SenseTribe has collaborated with the second edition of S.O.P.A Madrid, a microfunding space that supports social entrepreneurs to transform their ideas into real life...
Co-creation of a community of European medical experts
Together with our client ZN Consulting we have supported a community of European Medical Experts that intends to raise awareness for Influenza to initiate an ongoing conversation around the flu through online channels. This short but dynamic workshop was held in...
Co-creating a European campaign to give voice to an industry
With ZN Consulting we have designed and delivered a workshop that aimed to give a voice to a European industry association in the agricultural sector with the goal to create a European voice for its members. 40 people were present and gave wonderful feedback to the...