Flow game: una herramienta poderosa para tomar decisiones esenciales en equipo
El Flow Game es una herramienta poderosa para individuos, equipos y líderes que decidan aprovechar estos momentos de incertidumbre para conectar con lo más esencial, dedicar tiempo en torno a preguntas significativas, explorar de manera profunda bloqueos y...

Taller Diseño Organizacional y Business Agility (Madrid) – 16, 23, 30 de Octubre y 6, 13 Noviembre
¿Quieres ayudar en el diseño de organizaciones flexibles y resilientes, generando nuevos contextos de trabajo? ¿Quieres conseguir más visión y practicar herramientas para hacerlo? En este taller trabajaremos sobre diferentes modelos y prácticas (Organizaciones Teal,...

Communicating about the SDGs: How best to do it, and which impact to aim for
By Angela Souza In the past years, we’ve heard a lot about the SDGs. Some companies, NGOs and public institutions are using this acronym in their projects and communications, but what are the SDGs? The Sustainable Development Goals, developed by the United Nations,...

SenseTribe on Lockdown – Marina
Since the end of winter, most everyone on Earth has had to put up with varying degrees of lockdown restrictions in order to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and the Covid-19 disease and "flatten the curve". This has, of course, affected us at SenseTribe as well. In...

SenseTribe on Lockdown – Angela
Angela found out about Covid-19 while she was still in Southeast Asia and provides a very interesting perspective on two very different approaches to flattening the curve.

Building business back better pledge
Sign the Pledge today The impacts of COVID19 on the economy show that the way we do business today is economically unsustainable. Business owners and decision makers are in crucial need of alternatives to business-as-usual in order to create resilience for crises to...

Art of Hosting online training 9 June – 21 July
How can Art of Hosting help us navigate uncertainty and evolve in times of isolation and global crisis? Our world is in flux. COVID19 has surfaced the drawbacks of our current way of life, leading us into uncharted waters. The pandemic has created global unrest by...

How to organize a remote company and build a human workplace for high performance and hyper-growth
Author: Tobias Leonhardt The Human Workplace - a Blueprint for Remote Companies A remote organization is built on trust. Trust is the single most important driver for collaboration and high-performance. Once you trust yourself and your peers, a whole new range of...

Taller de Estrategia Online: Auto-organización y autonomía en tiempos de cambio
La transmisión exponencial y repentina del coronavirus y su impacto en nuestra vida profesional y personal, requieren una respuesta creativa de nuestro lado. Con la mayoría de miembros de nuestros equipos confinados en sus domicilios, establecer un nuevo ritmo que nos...

Online strategy workshop: Self Organisation and Autonomy
The sudden exponential spread of Covid19 and its impact upon our known way of operating daily professionally and personally, is requiring us to be extremely creative in our response. With most team members confined at their homes, establishing a new rhythm that...