by Maria Lorente | Jun 18, 2024 | All Updates, Participatory Processes
Last March we had the privilege to facilitate the most beautiful and meaningful workshop to date, in Sarara, ending before the start of the rains in Samburu land (Kenya). Beautiful (as understood by the Greeks), sounds odd and yet, it is the best descriptor of what...
by Raffaella Toticchi | May 13, 2024 | All Updates, Participatory Processes, Previous Projects
La iniciativa Fair Urban Transition (FUT) se lanzó en 2022 con el objetivo de impulsar a las ciudades hacia futuros sostenibles y post-carbón, enfocándose especialmente en las comunidades vulnerables. En 2023, el proyecto tomó un giro innovador. A medida que Porticus...
by Raffaella Toticchi | May 13, 2024 | All Updates, Participatory Processes, Previous Projects
The Fair Urban Transition (FUT) initiative was launched in 2022 with the goal of propelling cities towards sustainable, post-carbon futures, particularly focusing on vulnerable communities. In 2023, the project took an innovative turn. As Porticus began to reduce its...
by Marina Roa | Feb 11, 2022 | All Updates, Meaningful Communications, Participatory Processes, Updates
La facilitación gráfica es una herramienta poderosa para apoyar a un grupo a digerir grandes cantidades de información. Para evitar abrumarse y poder navegar por la complejidad, la creación de ilustraciones y paneles visuales son herramientas muy útiles. Representando...
by Marina Roa | Dec 1, 2021 | All Updates, Meaningful Communications, Participatory Processes
A graphic facilitator will work with you from the design stage of your event / session / workshop until the closing stage of the project. The goal of his/her work will be to find the best ways in which visual materials can support the purpose and goals of your...
by Marina Roa | Nov 2, 2021 | All Updates, Meaningful Communications, Participatory Processes
Some of the main benefits of having a graphic facilitator in the room creating illustrations and visual panels are: To support the group to develop a shared understanding. To help participants to be focused and present in the conversation. To feel heard through...