by Marina Roa | Jan 29, 2018 | All Updates, Meaningful Communications, Previous Projects
[foogallery id=”3290″] Ha sido un placer apoyar a Farmidable en un evento de fundraising en el Impact Hub Madrid con una facilitación gráfica. Farmidable es un nuevo modelo de distribución de productos locales, de temporada directos del productor al...
by Marina Roa | Jan 16, 2018 | All Updates, Meaningful Communications, Previous Projects, Sustainable Solutions
[foogallery id=”3290″] We have supported Farmidable in a fundraising event at Impact Hub Madrid with a graphic facilitation. Farmidable is a new model of distribution of local seasonal products, from the producer directly to the consumer, through...
by Marina Roa | Oct 20, 2017 | All Updates, Meaningful Communications, Previous Projects
[foogallery id=”3242″] ¿Podemos hacer algo en nuestro día a día para financiar iniciativas sociales? SenseTribe ha tenido el placer de colaborar con la segunda edición de S.O.P.A Madrid, un espacio de microfunding que apoya a emprendedores sociales a...
by Marina Roa | Oct 20, 2017 | All Updates, Meaningful Communications, Participatory Processes, Previous Projects
[foogallery id=”3242″] Can we do something in our daily lives to finance social initiatives? SenseTribe has collaborated with the second edition of S.O.P.A Madrid, a microfunding space that supports social entrepreneurs to transform their ideas into real...