What is graphic facilitation? How can illustration contribute to your gatherings?
Graphic facilitation supports a group through great amounts of complex information. In order to support overwhelm and be able to navigate complexity the creation of illustrations and visual panels are very helpful tools.

Art of Participatory Leadership Training
How do we learn to thrive in complexity, discover our unique contribution and together step into the emerging future? ART OF PARTICIPATORY LEADERSHIP TRAINING organized by SenseTribe on 27 September - 7 October 2021 As you start to walk on the way, the way appears....

Diseñando y facilitando espacios de co-creación
Por Raffaella Toticchi, Irene Zurborn y Stephany Macedo En esta entrada queremos compartir nuestra experiencia y aprendizajes diseñando y facilitando un encuentro virtual altamente participativo y enfocado en la co-creación de propuestas de trabajo para más de 100...

How to Build a Meaningful Communication Strategy
Combining Communications, Creativity and Participatory Processes for Maximum Collaborator and Customer Engagement Have you or your team ever experienced tensions when designing a project? This can happen when you and your partners or colleagues are creating a concept...

How do we lead ourselves and others through times of change, complexity and crisis?
Before embarking on the journey of providing others with guidance for a process of transformation, we need to prepare ourselves in order to make sure we are stable enough to stay standing and not be eradicated when the “winds of change” will come. This simple but...

SenseTribe: el sentido de la conexión
¿Qué elementos hacen de Sensetribe una empresa única y qué prácticas le brindan a nuestra manera de trabajar la vitalidad y el disfrute que hacen que un lunes (a veces) parezca un viernes?

How to transform an online conference into something magical?
PEX 2021: Over 160 participants enjoyed a 2-day conference that made them discover not only how to meet, but how to co-create and fully enjoy an online experience.

¿Cómo elegir las herramientas para nuestros eventos online?
¿Cómo podemos crear experiencias participativas memorables en las que las personas lleguen a olvidar que no se encuentran en un espacio físico?

Choosing tools and platforms to facilitate participatory events online
Our colleague and co-worker Laura Grassi has noticed a few months ago that we kept on explaining the same principles over and over again to clients and how desperate many were with finding tools that do not look cool and inspire participants but are also easy to use...

Flow Game is a powerful tool for making essential decisions
The Flow Game is a powerful tool for companies, teams and leaders who decide to take advantage of these moments of uncertainty to connect with what is most essential, spend time around significant questions, deeply explore blockages and difficulties, generate clarity...