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In the current VUCA and remote/hybrid work contexts many organisations are conducting change initiatives without clear diagnostic or tools to follow up and measure the impact of these initiatives and based on untested assumptions. As a result, it is frequent that they do not obtain the results they seek or progress as they have planned.

It is also common that how work happens in organisations does not necessarily follow organisational design structures and this is rarely visible or understood by leadership and management.

In this workshop we will explore how this tool can enable leaders, teams and organisations to become aware of how they might be working and collaborating together (or not) to enable data based decisions to improve effectiveness and collaboration.

We we will also explore how this Network Analysis tool can help answer the following questions:

  • How information flows in your organisation? Is it aligned with your organisational structure and work processes?
  • Who has great influence in this organisation?
  • Who is aware of everything that is going on?
  • Who are the bridges between the different units?
  • Where is the leadership potential in your organisation?
  • Who are the most committed people in your organisation?
  • Who is most able to collaborate?
  • Where do problems might arise (burnout, work overload, isolation …)?
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