por Raffaella Toticchi | Ago 6, 2021 | Todas las entradas, Talleres y Formaciones
How do we learn to thrive in complexity, discover our unique contribution and together step into the emerging future? ART OF PARTICIPATORY LEADERSHIP TRAINING organized by SenseTribe on 27 September – 7 October 2021 As you start to walk on the way, the way...
por Raffaella Toticchi | Jun 10, 2021 | Todas las entradas, Guías Prácticas
Before embarking on the journey of providing others with guidance for a process of transformation, we need to prepare ourselves in order to make sure we are stable enough to stay standing and not be eradicated when the “winds of change” will come. This simple but...
por Raffaella Toticchi | May 5, 2020 | Todas las entradas, Talleres y Formaciones
How can Art of Hosting help us navigate uncertainty and evolve in times of isolation and global crisis? Our world is in flux. COVID19 has surfaced the drawbacks of our current way of life, leading us into uncharted waters. The pandemic has created global unrest by...
por Raffaella Toticchi | May 2, 2019 | Todas las entradas, Procesos Participativos, Talleres y Formaciones
“We can’t solve problems by using the same way of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein Design Thinking is a human-centred, collaborative approach to problem solving. Experience it first hand during our participatory design-thinking lab on spatial...
por Raffaella Toticchi | Nov 30, 2017 | Todas las entradas, Proyectos previos
Last weekend we got to facilitate an important dialogue at ZN Consulting in Brussels with 10 medical experts from across Europe and industry representatives, to explore how social media can support and improve patient communication.