A graphic facilitator will work with you from the design stage of your event / session / workshop until the closing stage of the project. The goal of his/her work will be to find the best ways in which visual materials can support the purpose and goals of your project.
- Before the event/session: During this stage the goal will be to bring clarity on what is the purpose of the event /session. Identify the best way to harvest the information that you really need and decide the format that will be most useful to diseminate it after.
- During the event/session: The graphic facilitator will attend your event /session/workshop and create visual panels in real time during the event or conference. This work can be developed in digital or analog format. At SenseTribe we work in both formats but recommend digital visuals because it is easier to share and reuse materials, also the quality is higher and results can be shared on large screens and social networks instantly.
- After the event/session: The visuals / harvesting materials will be proofread and reviewed with the client for final check. There will be a final dissemination stage where visuals / harvesting materials can be shared internally, added to a website, layout in a report or shared in social media.
There are many different services a graphic facilitator can deliver around an event / workshop / session that can enrich the outcome and experience.

To find out more about our graphic facilitation services and examples of our work for events/processes crafted by our visual team, please click below.
Download an overview our graphic facilitation services
If you have any questions or requests about our graphic facilitation services, please contact: marina@sensetribe.com