by Raffaella Toticchi | Apr 2, 2020 | All Updates, Organisational Change, Previous Projects, Sustainable Solutions, Trainings & Events
Llevamos varios años ya inmersos en un contexto volátil, incierto, complejo y ambiguo. En este momento, en medio de la crisis provocada por el Covid-19, la necesidad de dar sentido y comprender el contexto en el que nos encontramos es crucial, así como la capacidad de...
by Raffaella Toticchi | Mar 31, 2020 | All Updates, Organisational Change, Sustainable Solutions, Trainings & Events
For a number of years we have been immersed in a context that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. At this moment in time, in the midst of Covid19, the need to make sense and understand the context we find ourselves in is key, and developing organisational...
by Raffaella Toticchi | Mar 30, 2020 | All Updates, Sustainable Solutions, Trainings & Events
¿Cómo identificamos oportunidades de negocio ocultas en el marco de los desafíos actuales? Desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para adaptar la estrategia empresarial a un mundo en constante transformación. Identificar oportunidades de negocio ocultas, explorando...
by Raffaella Toticchi | Mar 30, 2020 | All Updates, Meaningful Communications
Over the past few weeks, journalists, copywriters and communicators have been challenged to provide clear and trustworthy information related to the coronavirus outbreak (COVID19). But writing about health has been a constant challenge for our communications team at...
by Raffaella Toticchi | Mar 27, 2020 | All Updates, Sustainable Solutions, Trainings & Events
How do we identify the hidden opportunities within current challenges? Build capacity to adapt business strategy to a rapidly changing world. Identify hidden business opportunities, exploring new possibilities through alternative mindsets and creative practices. Seek...
by Raffaella Toticchi | Mar 27, 2020 | All Updates, Organisational Change, Previous Projects, Sustainable Solutions, Trainings & Events
Profundizando en las relaciones humanas y construyendo cercanía a pesar de la distancia Aprende la práctica del’ Círculo del Cuidado’ para construir relaciones honestas y de confianza con los compañeros de trabajo y con otros en un entorno de trabajo a distancia:...